IPL Laser Hair Reduction

IPL Hair Reduction uses a gentle Intense Pulsed Light and electric energies for permanent hair reduction.

Based on the principle of selective photothermolysis, a flash of light travels over the treatment area and targets the melanin in the hair shaft which is then converted to heat and destroys the hair root.

On average 5-6 treatments are recommended spaced 2-3 weeks apart to allow for a new cycle of growth. IPL treatments are often described as a “hot pinch” feeling with a warm or tingling sensation lasting for a short time after.

While most people tolerate treatments without any topical anesthetic, a cooling gel is applied for greater comfort.

Laser treatments are fast, safe and affordable. You can be confident that IPL Laser Reduction will change your life in a positive and lasting way.

Contact Body Beautiful to learn more about our IPL Hair Reduction service.

contact Colette today for your free consultation.

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